HOW = Honest, Open-minded and Willing to Listen

The Overeaters Anonymous H.O.W. Concept has been formed to offer the compulsive overeater (who accepts the twelve steps and twelve traditions as a program of recovery) a disciplined and structured approach. The OA/HOW groups have been formed in the belief that our disease is absolute and therefore only absolute acceptance of the H.O.W. program will offer any sustained abstinence to those of us whose compulsion has reached a critical level. Therefore, the OA/HOW plan of eating, steps, traditions and tools of recovery are not suggested. Rather we accept them as requirements for our recovery.

Meetings are dedicated to the concept of remaining honest, open-minded and willing to listen … this is the H.O.W. of the program. We pray that the collective group conscience and love that these ideals offer us will promote a strong sense of security that will enable us to experience a new unity and wholeness with those around us. And, that the H.O.W. ideal will help us to progress in our program of recovery on a daily basis.

To be certain, much of our strength is found in the structure of meetings and in the daily adherence to the program as it is written in our literature. Each group also firmly understands that after our recovery has begun through abstinence and the taking of the first three steps, our further surrender to the additional steps of recovery offers us a promise of happiness, contentment and achievement in all areas of our lives.

We ensure our continued and sustained abstinence from compulsive overeating by being forever aware that God is doing for us what we have never been able to do for ourselves.